Baixar Livro A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis
Você já ouviu falar de Parvana, a garota afegã que se disfarçou de menino para sobreviver ao regime do Talibã? Se você gostou da história dela, vai adorar saber que existe uma continuação: A Viagem de Parvana, um livro emocionante e inspirador da escritora canadense Deborah Ellis. Neste artigo, vamos mostrar como você pode baixar o livro A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis de graça e conhecer mais sobre a vida de Parvana e sua família.
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O que é A Viagem de Parvana?
A Viagem de Parvana é o segundo livro da trilogia A Outra Face, que conta a história de Parvana, uma adolescente afegã que vive sob o domínio do Talibã, um grupo extremista islâmico que impõe leis severas e violentas ao povo do Afeganistão. No primeiro livro, A Outra Face, Parvana se veste de menino para poder trabalhar e sustentar sua família, depois que seu pai é preso e torturado pelo Talibã. Ela também ajuda outras mulheres e meninas que sofrem com a opressão e a guerra.
No segundo livro, A Viagem de Parvana, Parvana perde seu pai e decide ir em busca de sua mãe e suas irmãs, que foram levadas para um campo de refugiados em outra cidade. Ela enfrenta muitos perigos e dificuldades pelo caminho, mas também encontra amigos e esperança. Ela conhece um bebê abandonado e um menino que perdeu uma perna em uma mina terrestre. Juntos, eles tentam encontrar um lugar seguro e reencontrar suas famílias.
Quem é Deborah Ellis?
Deborah Ellis é uma escritora canadense que se dedica a escrever livros sobre crianças e jovens que vivem em situações de guerra, pobreza e violação dos direitos humanos. Ela é ativista dos movimentos feminista e pacifista e já viajou para vários países para entrevistar pessoas que sofrem com esses problemas. Ela também doa parte dos lucros de seus livros para organizações humanitárias que ajudam essas pessoas.
A trilogia A Outra Face é baseada nas histórias que Deborah ouviu em campos de refugiados no Afeganistão, em 1997. Ela quis mostrar ao mundo a realidade das mulheres e meninas afegãs que lutam pela sobrevivência e pela liberdade em um país devastado pela guerra e pelo fanatismo religioso. Os livros foram traduzidos para 17 idiomas e receberam vários prêmios literários.
Como baixar o livro A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis?
Se você quer baixar o livro A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis de graça, você pode seguir estes passos simples:
Acesse o site, uma plataforma que oferece milhares de livros digitais gratuitos em português.
Digite o título do livro ou o nome da autora na caixa de pesquisa e clique em buscar.
Escolha o formato do livro que você prefere: PDF, EPUB ou MOBI. Clique no botão baixar ebook.
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Aproveite a leitura do livro A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis!
What is A Viagem de Parvana about?
A Viagem de Parvana is a book that tells the story of Parvana, a young Afghan girl who lives under the rule of the Taliban, a radical Islamic group that imposes harsh and violent laws on the people of Afghanistan. In the first book, A Outra Face, Parvana dresses as a boy to be able to work and support her family, after her father is arrested and tortured by the Taliban. She also helps other women and girls who suffer from oppression and war.
In the second book, A Viagem de Parvana, Parvana loses her father and decides to go in search of her mother and sisters, who were taken to a refugee camp in another city. She faces many dangers and difficulties along the way, but also finds friends and hope. She meets a baby and a boy who lost a leg in a landmine. Together, they try to find a safe place and reunite with their families.
The book is based on the stories that Deborah Ellis heard in refugee camps in Afghanistan, in 1997. She wanted to show the world the reality of Afghan women and girls who struggle for survival and freedom in a country devastated by war and religious fanaticism. The book is written in a simple and direct way, but very touching and inspiring. It shows the courage, resilience, and compassion of Parvana and her companions.
Why should you read A Viagem de Parvana?
There are many reasons why you should read A Viagem de Parvana. Here are some of them:
You will learn about the history and culture of Afghanistan, a country that has been affected by war and conflict for decades.
You will understand the challenges and hardships that Afghan women and girls face under the Taliban regime, such as lack of education, health care, freedom, and dignity.
You will appreciate the values and traditions of Afghan people, such as hospitality, generosity, loyalty, and faith.
You will be moved by the story of Parvana and her friends, who show courage, resilience, compassion, and hope in the face of adversity.
You will be inspired by the message of the book, which is that even in the darkest times, there is always light and hope.
Reading A Viagem de Parvana will enrich your knowledge and perspective on a country and a people that are often misunderstood and stereotyped. It will also touch your heart and soul with its powerful and uplifting story.
How to enjoy A Viagem de Parvana?
Now that you have downloaded the book A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis for free, you might be wondering how to enjoy it. Here are some tips and suggestions:
Read the book on your device using an ebook reader app or a web browser. You can also transfer the book to other devices, such as a computer, a tablet, or a Kindle.
Use headphones or speakers to listen to the book and immerse yourself in the story. You can also adjust the brightness and the font size to suit your preference.
Discuss the book with your friends and family who also read it or are interested in it. You can share your opinions, feelings, questions, and insights about the book and its characters.
Learn more about the author Deborah Ellis and her other books and projects. You can visit her website or follow her on social media. You can also watch her interviews and videos on YouTube.
Explore other books and media related to Afghanistan and its people, such as novels, memoirs, documentaries, films, and podcasts. You can find some recommendations on Goodreads, IMDb, and Spotify.
Reading A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis will enrich your knowledge and perspective on a country and a people that are often misunderstood and stereotyped. It will also touch your heart and soul with its powerful and uplifting story.
What are the benefits of reading A Viagem de Parvana?
Reading A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis is not only a way to enjoy a good story, but also a way to improve your skills and knowledge. Here are some of the benefits of reading this book:
You will improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary in Portuguese, as well as your cultural awareness and sensitivity.
You will develop your critical thinking and analytical skills, as you reflect on the themes and issues raised by the book, such as war, oppression, human rights, gender, and identity.
You will enhance your creativity and imagination, as you visualize the scenes and characters of the book, and relate them to your own experiences and emotions.
You will increase your empathy and compassion, as you understand the feelings and perspectives of Parvana and her friends, and appreciate their courage and resilience.
You will inspire yourself and others, as you learn from the message of the book, which is that even in the darkest times, there is always light and hope.
Reading A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis is a rewarding and enriching experience that will make you a better reader and a better person.
How to support the author and the cause of A Viagem de Parvana?
If you liked the book A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis and want to support the author and the cause of the book, you can do some of the following things:
Buy the book or other books by Deborah Ellis from online or physical bookstores. You can also buy them as gifts for your friends and family.
Write a review or a rating for the book on online platforms, such as Amazon, Goodreads, or Livrebooks. You can also share your thoughts and feedback with the author via email or social media.
Donate part of the money you saved by downloading the book for free to organizations that help Afghan women and girls, such as Women for Women International, Afghan Women's Network, or Afghan Women's Writing Project. You can also volunteer or raise awareness for these organizations.
Join a book club or a reading group that discusses the book and its themes. You can also organize your own book club or reading group with your friends and family.
Watch the film adaptation of the book, The Breadwinner, which was released in 2017 and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. You can also watch other films and documentaries about Afghanistan and its people.
Supporting the author and the cause of A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis is a way to show your appreciation and gratitude for the book and its message. It is also a way to make a positive difference in the world and help those who need it most.
What are the challenges and opportunities of reading A Viagem de Parvana?
Reading A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis can be both challenging and rewarding for readers. Here are some of the challenges and opportunities of reading this book:
One of the challenges of reading this book is that it deals with some difficult and sensitive topics, such as war, violence, oppression, poverty, and trauma. Some readers might find these topics disturbing or upsetting, and might need some emotional support or guidance while reading the book.
Another challenge of reading this book is that it requires some background knowledge and cultural awareness of Afghanistan and its people. Some readers might not be familiar with the history, geography, religion, politics, and customs of Afghanistan, and might need some additional information or explanation while reading the book.
One of the opportunities of reading this book is that it offers a different and diverse perspective on a country and a people that are often misunderstood and stereotyped. Some readers might learn new facts and insights about Afghanistan and its people, and might challenge their own assumptions and prejudices while reading the book.
Another opportunity of reading this book is that it inspires readers to think critically and creatively about the themes and issues raised by the book, such as war, oppression, human rights, gender, and identity. Some readers might reflect on their own values and beliefs while reading the book, and might explore their own potential and purpose while reading the book.
Reading A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis can be a challenging and rewarding experience that will expand your horizons and enrich your mind.
In this article, we have shown you how to download the book A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis for free and learn more about the life of Parvana and her family. We have also given you some background information about the author and the book, as well as some tips on how to enjoy it. We hope you have found this article helpful and informative. A Viagem de Parvana Deborah Ellis is a powerful and inspiring book that will make you smile and cry. It is a book that will teach you about the history and culture of Afghanistan and its people. It is a book that will show you the courage, resilience, and compassion of Parvana and her friends. It is a book that will inspire you to explore the world and make a difference. Download the book today and join Parvana's journey! d282676c82